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Working with Linked Tasks

The Tasks API supports fetching linked tasks. You can also link/unlink existing tasks. Let’s say we have two workflows: Houses and Wizards. We’ve linked these workflows together such that a House has many Wizards.

Fetching linked tasks

Linked tasks are returned via the GET /tasks endpoint, under a key matching the name of the relationship. For one-to-many and many-to-many relationships, the response will be an array. One-to-one and many-to-one relationships will return an object.<workflow-id>/tasks

If we fetch the list of houses, the API will return an array of wizards since the relationship is defined as one-to-many:

    "House ID": 1,
    "Name": "Gryffindor",
    "Wizards": [
        "Wizard ID": 1,
        "First Name": "Harry",
        "Last Name": "Potter"
      }, {
        "Wizard ID": 2,
        "First Name": "Hermione",
        "Last Name": "Granger"
  // ...

If no wizards are linked, the Wizards key will return an empty array [].

On the other hand, if we fetch the list of wizards, the API will return a single object representing the linked house since the relationship is many-to-one:

    "Wizard ID": 1,
    "First Name": "Harry",
    "Last Name": "Potter",
    "House": {
      "House ID": 1,
      "Name": "Gryffindor"

If no house is linked, the House key will return null.

To fetch a single task, see the Tasks API.

Linking and unlinking tasks

Tasks can be linked and unlinked through the POST /tasks or PUT /tasks API.

Linking tasks

Existing tasks can be linked through either side of the relationship. For example, say we have a new wizard, Ron Weasley, that we’d like to create and add to Gryffindor. We do do this through POST /tasks:

  "Wizard ID": 3,
  "First Name": "Ron",
  "Last Name": "Weasley",
  "House": {
    "House ID": 1

Since the Gryffindor house already exists, we can simply reference it by ID. All properties other than unique ID specified through the relationship are ignored. If we wanted to instead add Ron to a new house we’d have to (1) create the house first, then (2) link Ron with that house.

We can also link the new wizard in the other direction, by posting to the Houses workflow:

  "House ID": 1,
  "Name": "Gryffindor",
  "Wizards": [
      "Wizard ID": 1
      "Wizard ID": 2
      "Wizard ID": 3

This links the wizards with ids 1, 2, and 3 to Gryffindor house.

Include all ids when updating a one-to-many or many-to-many relationships

Any ids omitted in the request will be unlinked!

Existing links can be updated in a similar fashion. For example, if Ron were to switch house:

  "Wizard ID": 3,
  "First Name": "Ron",
  "Last Name": "Weasley",
  "House": {
    "House ID": 1

Or, we can also do this from the other direction:

  "House ID": 2,
  "Name": "Hufflepuff",
  "Wizards": [
    // ...
      "Wizard ID": 3

Unlinking tasks

Unlinking tasks is similar to linking tasks. If a wizard wants to leave a house, we can simply specify null in the payload:

  "Wizard ID": 666,
  "First Name": "Tom",
  "Last Name": "Riddle",
  "House": null

We can also unlink from the other direction. For example, to remove the wizard with ID=1 from Gryffindor house, we can simply omit it from the Wizards array:

  "House ID": 1,
  "Name": "Gryffindor",
  "Wizards": [
      "Wizard ID": 2
      "Wizard ID": 3

To remove all wizards from a house, pass in an empty array [].